6500 Wenz Avenue, Hodgkins, IL 60525 | Phone: (708) 579-1844 | Today’s Hours: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Click here to access the original renovation plans for the building. Presented to the board in December 2021, the board agreed to move forward with this plan. The next step was to complete a building needs assessment to determine how much it would cost to extend the building and complete a full remodel of the existing structure. An analysis of the building started in March 2022.
Click here to access the full building needs assessment. Document is too large to post in its entirety. The needs assessment looks at all deficiencies of the library structure, provides an estimated timeline for life, and estimated cost for the project when it is to occur. This document was created in June 2022, prior to wall study.
Click here to access the wall study report. This report highlights issues found with the structure holding up the library.