Digital Library
Access Your Library Account Online
You can access your library account on our online catalog, Enterprise at www.catalog.swanlibraries.net/hks.
You can search for items, access your library account, place holds, request items from another library, renew items, and pay your fines.
eBooks & Downloads
eBooks, Audiobooks & Magazines
Find thousands of eBooks and comics for all ages through Overdrive/Libby.
Download audiobooks onto mobile devices or stream on computers with Overdrive/Libby.
Read digital editions of your favorite magazines with Overdrive/Libby.
eBooks & Audiobooks
Through Boundless and eRead Illinois, you can browse and download eBooks and audiobooks straight to your mobile device or computer.
Because eRead Illinois is less well known than Overdrive, it is a good place to check for newer or popular titles.